The Daily Isotope

The same but different.

Latest Article:

  • The first coin minted by the US was actually a cookie

    The first coin minted by the US was actually a cookie

    Today, The Daily Isotope learned that the first coin that was minted by the US government was actually a cookie made of chocolate-flavored dough with a creamy center. It was designed by a baker named Oreo John Hydrox. It was designed this way to allow people to separate the cookie into two halves. Thus, if…

Most Viewed Articles:

  • Man unexpectedly dates motorcycle

    Man unexpectedly dates motorcycle

    A Waterford man got more than he bargained for when he sent a like on the profile of what he thought was a woman on a dating app. He explains, “She was so beautiful. I just couldn’t help myself, so I liked her.” He admitted that he did not pay much attention to the text…

  • Can a smooth rejection constitute harassment?

    Can a smooth rejection constitute harassment?

    Can a smooth rejection constitute harassment? Let us examine one case. We’ve obtained a transcript of a conversation between two people on a dating app. We’ve replaced the user handles with A and B for the sake of the privacy of the people involved. Moreover, we do know that A is an enby, but we…

  • Quantum elections: man refuses to hear election results, for fear of “collapsing the wave”

    Quantum elections: man refuses to hear election results, for fear of “collapsing the wave”

    Brad Singleton is a man on a mission. His mission is to stay away from any news source. He does this because he does not want to know who won the latest election. Singleton says, “They say that ignorance is bliss. I’m quite happy in my state of ignorance.” We pressed Singleton for his reasoning.…

Random Articles:

  • Should You Spit Or Swallow Mucus? Here’s What An Expert Says

    Should You Spit Or Swallow Mucus? Here’s What An Expert Says

    The Daily Isotope researched whether one should spit mucus or swallow it. In our research, we’ve reached out to Pustile Mince, a renowned mucologist and Ig Nobel Prize recipient, who works for The Mucus Clinic of America and Luxembourg. When we’ve put the question to Mince, she explained “It is better to spit the mucus.…

  • OMFG! Run! Zombie squirrels are coming for us!

    OMFG! Run! Zombie squirrels are coming for us!

    The Daily Isotope has obtained a scientific article titled Vole hunting: Novel predatory and carnivorous behavior by California ground squirrels. We’ve skimmed through it, and have come to the only possible conclusion: zombie squirrels are on the rise and coming after us! Undeterred by this shocking discovery, we asked Lucille Bixby, a renowned squirrelologist at…

  • We will fix schools by prohibiting the production of perpetual motion machines

    We will fix schools by prohibiting the production of perpetual motion machines

    An idiot politician took to the campaign trail on Monday to promise that he will “fix the schools” by “prohibiting the production of perpetual motion machines.” When asked about the move, he explained, “Schools spend all their time producing perpetual motion machines rather than indoctrinating our children in Republican ideology. It happens, you know! I’d…

Older Articles:

  • The first coin minted by the US was actually a cookie

    The first coin minted by the US was actually a cookie

    Today, The Daily Isotope learned that the first coin that was minted by the US government was actually a cookie made of chocolate-flavored dough with a creamy center. It was designed by a baker named Oreo John Hydrox. It was designed this way to allow people to separate the cookie into two halves. Thus, if…

  • The Big Whoop Opera puts John Cage’s 4’33” to shame

    The Big Whoop Opera puts John Cage’s 4’33” to shame

    “The Big Whoop Opera was absolutely fabulous. I fell asleep and slept through it. Best sleep ever!”– Jack Lumack Such are the words of one of the audience members of the new operatic piece The Big Whoop Opera, currently on stage. John Cage revolutionized music with his piece 4’33” in which the musicians do nothing.…

  • An interview with Ima Cardholder, the first citizen who got Real ID

    An interview with Ima Cardholder, the first citizen who got Real ID

    The various states are finally getting their ass into gear regarding the Real ID requirement. To honor this new development, we’ve tracked down the first citizen who managed to get their Real ID, a woman going by the name Ima Cardholder. Finding her was not easy, seeing as she lives in Anytown, CA. We combed…

  • Alaska has more people than previously thought

    Alaska has more people than previously thought

    The Daily Isotope dispatched its intrepid team to Alaska to get to the bottom of the story. We talked to Lucy Gibbs, head of the state government’s department of statistics. Gibbs explains, “We first did a count the usual way, but we quickly realized that the number we obtained couldn’t have been right. So we…

  • It’s Time to Treat Reading Like Working Out

    It’s Time to Treat Reading Like Working Out

    Janet Jones is a woman on a mission. Her mission is to get people to treat reading like working out. She explains, “People will take the new year’s resolution to exercise, and then a few weeks later, they’ll forget about exercising. People should do the same with reading. They should take the resolution to read…

  • Conditional gift giving, is it for you?

    Conditional gift giving, is it for you?

    A new craze is sweeping the nation, conditional gift giving. We caught up with conditional gift giving guru, Maxine Vance, to learn about this new phenomenon. She explains, “Conditional gift giving is the practice of giving a gift, but you give it only if some conditions are fulfilled.” She continues, “The people receiving the gift…

  • OMFG! Run! Zombie squirrels are coming for us!

    OMFG! Run! Zombie squirrels are coming for us!

    The Daily Isotope has obtained a scientific article titled Vole hunting: Novel predatory and carnivorous behavior by California ground squirrels. We’ve skimmed through it, and have come to the only possible conclusion: zombie squirrels are on the rise and coming after us! Undeterred by this shocking discovery, we asked Lucille Bixby, a renowned squirrelologist at…

  • Scientist makes shocking discovery about the US healthcare system

    Scientist makes shocking discovery about the US healthcare system

    The Daily Isotope talked to Nancy Stein, a renowned physicist at Georgetown University, about a shocking discovery she made regarding the US healthcare system. She explains, “Let me put it in layman’s terms: the US healthcare system is akin to explosive diarrhea.” She argues, “First, the system completely stinks. This is already a clue as…

  • Poop Music: a new trend for listening to music on the throne

    Poop Music: a new trend for listening to music on the throne

    There is a new trend sweeping the world of musical entertainment. You’ve surely heard about pop music, but have you heard about the brand-new trend of poop music? James Wilson, a poop music aficionado, explains, “See, I like to listen to music in the bathroom. You know, while I’m on the throne. Poop music fits…

  • Google Maps: the speed limit is five cauliflowers per hour

    Google Maps: the speed limit is five cauliflowers per hour

    James Mims had a surprise when he went on a trip from the US to Canada and used Google Maps for navigation. The speed limit information provided by the app was more often wrong than right. He explains, “Even where I live, like right on my own street, Google Maps reports a speed limit of…