The reign of Empress… er… Mimimouch of the Gnorflax Empire ended yesterday in the most unexpected way. She was defeated by an autistic man.
Her messenger reported, “The Empress would use the splendor of her glare to force us to bow down before her. Her glare was irresistible.”
She asked her messenger who would it be that would be immune to her glare. “I answered that would be immune to her glare the one who does not even perceive the glares.” This answer turned out to be prophetic.
Apparently, the Empress did not count on the fact that some autistic people are terrible at reading body language, and thus would not read her glares. Enter the autistic man we mentioned earlier, Mr. Shitbucketemptier.
“I came over to empty her shit bucket. She tried glaring at me, but I suck at reading body language and did not read her glare.” Thus, the Empress was powerless over Mr. Shitbucketemptier.
He became the Hero of the Realm when he drowned her accidentally in her bath.
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