James Mims had a surprise when he went on a trip from the US to Canada and used Google Maps for navigation. The speed limit information provided by the app was more often wrong than right.
He explains, “Even where I live, like right on my own street, Google Maps reports a speed limit of 30mph when it is in fact 25mph. Along my route, the situation wasn’t much better. When I arrived in Canada, I often ran into places where the speed limit was 40km/h, but Google Maps was saying 50km/h.”
We contacted Google for comments, but we were defeated by their infinite phone tree. We also tried emailing them, but we got an automated reply telling us to use the phone or carrier pigeons.
Mims also reported, “There are so many mistakes that it is completely bonkers to expect someone to report all the problems.” He continued, “You can imagine my surprise when at some point I saw a cauliflower picture on my screen as the speed limit. Someone at Google is having fun at our expense.”
This story is inspired by my own experience with Google Maps. They are begging for a class action lawsuit.
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