An interview with Ima Cardholder, the first citizen who got Real ID

Ima Cardholder’s driver license. She’s wearing a wig and fake eyes in this picture.
(Courtesy of Californa’s DMV.)

The various states are finally getting their ass into gear regarding the Real ID requirement. To honor this new development, we’ve tracked down the first citizen who managed to get their Real ID, a woman going by the name Ima Cardholder.

Finding her was not easy, seeing as she lives in Anytown, CA. We combed through the 39483 towns named Anytown in California to find her. Subsequently, we realized that using the zip code would have saved us a lot of work.

However, our work was made a bit easier due to the fact that she has no restaurant attached to her name, as evidenced by the notation “RSTR NONE” on her license. We also knew that we were looking for a woman with burnt hair and eyes (“HAIR BRN, EYES BRN”). So we went around asking women with burnt hair and eyes whether they had a restaurant.

When we finally tracked her down, we asked how she felt about Real ID. In response, she barked and ran into a lake, presumably elated at the news that Real ID is a reality.

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